Friday, December 31, 2010
Sticking to your Goals and New Year’s Resolutions!
It’s that time of the year to review your past years goals and resolutions. Time to create brand new ones to keep you excited and motivated for the new year, or modify last years ideas. Like many people, by January 2nd, you may have already fallen off the bandwagon and willing to abandon your resolution to have six pack abs, quit smoking, be debt free or spend more time with friends and family. However, there are plenty of people who will celebrate all of their accomplishments, and you can be part of that party. Let’s do it together!
Mother Theresa once said, “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”
While you’re upcoming resolutions might be identical to a failed resolution from years past. You don’t have to beat yourself up, so get back on the bandwagon. What you can do is to keep yourself present to the now, so you can move forward on your resolutions. Avoid dwelling on your failure, and move towards what you want in life. If you inch forward, you are moving in a positive direction. What can you be doing right now to accomplish your goals? While losing 100 lbs safely can take some time and seem very far off in the future, you can lose ½ lbs today. Eventually 100 lbs will have disappeared before you know it!
For me to stick with my resolutions, I need to be in the right set of mind, and know why I am doing this resolution, and write it down. Mostly my “why” involves being healthy for my family and friends, physically and monetarily. So know your why to keep you focused and motivated when you don’t want to be. Keep that reminder always visible. You can tape your “why” on the phone, the mirror, or on one of your t-shirts
In the past you might have said out loud, I am going to lose weight this year. Well, that is an awesome goal. This time write it down. Now let’s be more specific, how much weight and by when. Let’s narrow it down some more, and word it so that you are talking about how you will be. For example, you might write, On August 31 at 12:01pm, I will weigh 175lbs, with 8% body fat, have 6 pack abs, able to do 25 push ups in 30 seconds, be able to run around the block in 10 minutes, and…I think you get the idea. The more specific you are, you begin to paint the picture of your accomplishment.
Now that you know the eventual destination, how are you going to get there? For example, I will run 2 miles every other day, do 3 sets of 10 crunches and 3 sets of 15 push ups everyday. Now that you know what your activities will be, then put those activities into your calendar, so you can keep track of what is next, and be prepared for what is needed to complete the task. If one of your resolutions includes physical activity, please get a check up from your healthcare team hould include your healthcare team, to monitor and track your progress.
Sharing your resolution with your friends and family and have them hold you accountable. Even though it might be embarrassing, you will have plenty of supporters and even some will be inspired by your actions that they too want to have the same “drink” that you are having. It’s contagious when you see success.
Now that you have started and in the thick of things, take time to review and evaluate how you are doing, and make any changes to keep you on course.
If you are accomplishing your goals a little too easy, I would suggest making your goals grander. For example, I want to raise $1000 to feed 10 families for the winter, and that is an awesome accomplishment. How about raising the bar and raising $10,000 to feed 100 families or even $1,000,000 to feed 100,000 families.
I get so excited when people reach out beyond their initial boundaries and transform into something extraordinary.
So let’s recap
1. Write down why you are doing it
2. Write down your goals and resolutions with a specific deadline
3. Have a plan and stick with it
4. Share your goals and resolutions with your family and friends
5. Review and evaluate how you are doing with your goals, and make course corrections if needed
Make each second, day, month and year count, and enjoy the journey!
Click here to Transform your Life for the Better
Mother Theresa once said, “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”
While you’re upcoming resolutions might be identical to a failed resolution from years past. You don’t have to beat yourself up, so get back on the bandwagon. What you can do is to keep yourself present to the now, so you can move forward on your resolutions. Avoid dwelling on your failure, and move towards what you want in life. If you inch forward, you are moving in a positive direction. What can you be doing right now to accomplish your goals? While losing 100 lbs safely can take some time and seem very far off in the future, you can lose ½ lbs today. Eventually 100 lbs will have disappeared before you know it!
For me to stick with my resolutions, I need to be in the right set of mind, and know why I am doing this resolution, and write it down. Mostly my “why” involves being healthy for my family and friends, physically and monetarily. So know your why to keep you focused and motivated when you don’t want to be. Keep that reminder always visible. You can tape your “why” on the phone, the mirror, or on one of your t-shirts
In the past you might have said out loud, I am going to lose weight this year. Well, that is an awesome goal. This time write it down. Now let’s be more specific, how much weight and by when. Let’s narrow it down some more, and word it so that you are talking about how you will be. For example, you might write, On August 31 at 12:01pm, I will weigh 175lbs, with 8% body fat, have 6 pack abs, able to do 25 push ups in 30 seconds, be able to run around the block in 10 minutes, and…I think you get the idea. The more specific you are, you begin to paint the picture of your accomplishment.
Now that you know the eventual destination, how are you going to get there? For example, I will run 2 miles every other day, do 3 sets of 10 crunches and 3 sets of 15 push ups everyday. Now that you know what your activities will be, then put those activities into your calendar, so you can keep track of what is next, and be prepared for what is needed to complete the task. If one of your resolutions includes physical activity, please get a check up from your healthcare team hould include your healthcare team, to monitor and track your progress.
Sharing your resolution with your friends and family and have them hold you accountable. Even though it might be embarrassing, you will have plenty of supporters and even some will be inspired by your actions that they too want to have the same “drink” that you are having. It’s contagious when you see success.
Now that you have started and in the thick of things, take time to review and evaluate how you are doing, and make any changes to keep you on course.
If you are accomplishing your goals a little too easy, I would suggest making your goals grander. For example, I want to raise $1000 to feed 10 families for the winter, and that is an awesome accomplishment. How about raising the bar and raising $10,000 to feed 100 families or even $1,000,000 to feed 100,000 families.
I get so excited when people reach out beyond their initial boundaries and transform into something extraordinary.
So let’s recap
1. Write down why you are doing it
2. Write down your goals and resolutions with a specific deadline
3. Have a plan and stick with it
4. Share your goals and resolutions with your family and friends
5. Review and evaluate how you are doing with your goals, and make course corrections if needed
Make each second, day, month and year count, and enjoy the journey!
Click here to Transform your Life for the Better

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Nutrition for a Busy Healthy Lifestyle

I always wonder with only 24 hours in a day, how does one balance a busy life, that includes a demanding job, three kids with different activities, some kind of personal physical activity to keep the heart pumping, eight hours of sleep, and grab three square meals? Unfortunately, without proper nutrition, you will soon run out of gas, and those 24 hours will seem shorter or longer in some cases.
Choosing, preparing, proportioning, and combing the best foods available will help you fuel your body and soul, so that you are able to perform all the tasks necessary for the day. However we all fall in the trap of eating what is convenient rather than what is good. So what can we do to supplement the food we eat? Nowadays, for convenience, the shelves of many delicatessens, quick marts, and 7-11’s are stocked with cans of some sort of nutrition. Some are better than others, however most are made from sugar with little or no significant nutrition. Basically, they taste good, rather than be good for you.
So where do you begin your journey for finding great nutrition?
· Start with consulting with your healthcare team when working on your diet.
· Working with your healthcare team, have a blood test to determine the vitamins and minerals that may be lacking.
· Write out a meal plan that would build up your vitamin and mineral levels. In addition to writing your meal plan in advance, this plan will help you stock your pantry with all the food you should be eating. Therefore, you choose to avoid foods that you were not planning to eat.
· Read all the ingredients and nutritional facts of all the foods you eat.
· Purchase organic foods
· Review with your healthcare team to determine if a nutritional supplement, shake, additional vitamins and minerals will round out your nutrition plan.
In your supplement, you should check to see if the ingredients have the following
· Prebiotic and Digestive Enzymes, which aid in breaking down food that improves digestion, regularity, and the absorption of nutrients.
· Protein and Essential Amino Acids to assist in building long and lean muscles.
· Antioxidants and Phyonutrients to help counteract free radical damage which can lead to degenerative diseases such as cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease.
· Low Glycemic Index. This means that your blood sugar level rises less than other carbs that have a higher glycemic index. Foods with a higher glycemic index include, pretzels (GI=83), potatoes (GI=93), white rice (GI=64), and corn flakes (GI=81).*
Again, your healthcare team can determine what maybe lacking in your diet, and as a result of this malnourishment, you may have some associate ailments.
Here is one of my favorite smoothie recipe
1-1/2 scoops or 1 package of Chocolate Shakeology powder (Greenberry is the other flavor)
1 Tbsp. peanut butter
1 stalk of kale leaves (note that the stem is kind of bitter so just use the leafy part)
1 banana
1 cup ice
8 oz. almond milk
Use a high-speed blender to blend. If you do not have a high-speed blender such as a Vitamix or Blendtech, do not add the kale leaves. Enjoy the shake!
Take action and enjoy life!
This is the scene from Forrest Gump that got me Runnin'
That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little run.
So I ran to the end of the road, and when I got there
I thought maybe I'd run to the end of town.
President Carter, suffering from heat exhaustion...
And when I got there, I thought maybe I'd just run across Greenbow County.
Now, thinking since I'd run this far, maybe I'd just run across the great state of Alabama
And that's what I did. I ran clear across Alabama.
No particular reason. I just kept on going. I ran clear to the ocean.
And when I got there, I figured since I'd gone this far, might as well turn around, just keep on going.
And when I got to another ocean, I figured since I'd gone this far, I might as well just turn back and keep right on going.
When I got tired, I slept. When I got hungry, I ate. When I had to go... you know... I went.
- And so, you just ran.
- Yeah.
I'd think a lot about Mama and Bubba and Lieutenant Dan.
But most of all, I thought about Jenny. I thought about her a lot.
For more than two years, a man named Forrest Gump, a gardener from Greenbow, Alabama, stopping only to sleep, has been running across America.
Charles Cooper reports. For the fourth time on his journey across America, Forrest Gump the gardener will cross the Mississippi River again today.
- I'll be damned. Forrest?
- Why are you running?
- Are you doing this for world peace?
- For the homeless?
- Are you running for women's rights?
- The environment?
They couldn't believe somebody would do all that running for no reason.
- Why are you doing this?
- I just felt like running.
I just felt like runnin'...
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
What is a CSA or Community Supported Agriculture?
Over the past 3 years, my family has slowly increased our levels of good nutritious foods and reduced our bad foods dramatically. Actually reading what is in the packaging has been commonplace for me, my wife and children. Every time we purchase something we flip it around and read the nutritional facts.
More recently, since my son has been diagnosed with sensitivity to gluten, dairy and eggs, we are more cautious in reviewing the ingredients on packaged foods. So we’ve been actually cooking more and going out less, because we don’t know how careful restaurants can be in preparing the foods that we order and eat. We love going to WholeFoods on Saturdays knowing they have plenty of good food. A note of caution, not everything in WholeFoods is good for you, but definitely good for the soul. So eat in moderation, like anything else
With all this cooking at home, my friend suggested that we join a CSA or Community Supported Agriculture. Basically a CSA provides a great way for local growers and farmers a different outlet for its produce versus the traditional grocery store. When you purchase a share, subscription or membership you receive a box of seasonal vegetables. Some have shares of fruits. Most important, the produce is super fresh, and there for are full of flavor and vitamins. In addition, most farms are Organic. Also, you get to try vegetables that you normally won’t eat. So exposure to variety is the spice to life.
My favorite so far is the heirloom tomatoes. Their funky shapes and sometimes colors might be unappealing at first, but when you bite into one, the tomato flavor is so electrifyingly delicious.
At the beginning of the season, my wife and I were unhappy with the quantity items in the box, but a couple of weeks later, I don’t think we could have eaten all of the bounty. It’s really worth the money for a family of 5.
There are thousands of farms that offer CSA. And here is a site that lists some of them Treat your family to the freshest foods with Community Supported Agriculture.
Monday, December 27, 2010
What is ChiRunning or ChiWalking? Making Running or Walking Easier!

When I signed up to do the 2008 ING New York City Marathon, I sprained my ankle about a month before the start of the race. So after my doctor confirmed the micro tear in my left ankle. I’ve worked from never breaking a sweat for the past 15 years to running up to 20 miles alone. I told him that there was no way that was going to bow out of this marathon. So I wasn’t going to let some pain stop me from finishing. And so I hobbled across the finish line in over 6 hours and enjoyed every second of an experience of a lifetime. If I didn’t cross that finish line, I would have never gotten a very special chance to run with my wife, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and a couple of friends to raise over $15,000 for Team for Kids and run together in the 2009 ING New York City Marathon.
After receiving my finisher’s medal, I was hooked on being fit. However, I’ve been running with some kind of injury, ailment or ache in the limbs of the lower extremities. Do I suck it up or run with shin splints, knee pain, hip pain, and/or foot pain? I grew up in a family, where you don’t give up. All I know is that running started to become unfun. Dealing with all these injuries made me want to avoid running.
So I was at my local gym, and one of the trainers, actually two of them both recommended a method of running called ChiRunning . They basically said that the program would teach you how to run injury free. I was intrigued and wanted to learn more.
Earlier this year, I find myself with my wife, who also is dealing with similar injuries, sitting in a renovated manufacturing plant that has been converted into a artist colony, and towards the end of the building was a yoga studio. In attendance, was a small group with different backgrounds, shapes and sizes.
Danny Dreyer created ChiRunning during one of his Tai Chi classes. He noticed the inner focus and flow of Tai Chi and wanted to combine it with the power and energy of running. With ChiRunning you become more aware of your running so you can run more efficiently by running naturally with less pain. Danny is a renowned running/walking instructor with over 35 years of experience, and has run many Ultramarathons (26.2+ miles). Danny has written ChiRunning: A Revolutionary Approach to Effortless, Injury-free Running in 2004 and ChiWalking: Five Mindful Steps to Lifelong Health and Energy 2006. He is also a sought after speaker, and has spoken at the Boston and Chicago Marathons.
ChiWalking was created from all the ChiRunners who walked to share Most classes, such as ChiRunning for all the walkers in their lives. The basic principles are similar if not the same as ChiRunning .
Like most martial arts, it’s about technique. By having the right alignment and balance, you can avoid injuries. For example, by having your shoulders lined up over your hips, over your knees, over your feet, you make sure that the forces you create from running are maximized into the ground, and minimized in other directions. It’s the same principle of having all of the blocks lined up. If you start deviating just a little bit, you will notice the blocks will eventually collapse. Also, if you ever run or walk with something out of alignment, you tend to over compensate. This compensation results eventually an injury because you overuse that side of the limb.
Another technique is to use gravity to help you run. Gravity is everywhere, so why fight it. You can use it to help you run. When you lean enough into your stride, you end up having to move forward, so take advantage of the technique by continually falling. Most people, while trying to catch themselves from doing a faceplant, would put on the brakes by landing with their heel. If they practice enough they can then “catch” themselves and land in a way that would push off to the next step.
The more you practice, the easier it becomes. So I’ve been running since the summer using the ChiRunning method, and I have become very comfortable running like never before. I have been able to recover faster after long runs, and the pains that I usually have are no longer a hindrance. I’ve recently dropped 2 minutes off my pace, and I am looking forward to running more efficiently and faster as a result.
If you want to run or walk better, get out there and do it. Before taking on any exercise regimen, consult with your healthcare team, and take a lesson or class on running or walking, so you don’t have to deal with the constant aches and pains that I went through. Most classes, such as ChiRunning will include warm up exercises, after workout stretches, and plenty of advice.
Enjoy the run!

Here are some races that I have completed
Clover Run 2008
Farmingville Rocks 5K 2011
IGHL Run/Walk for Health 2010 30:49
St. John the Baptist High School Run your Tukey Off 4K 22.37
Stony Brook Turkey Trot 5K 2010 29:29
Stony Brook Turkey Trot 5K 2011
Suffolk County 5K 2008
Suffolk County 5K 2009
4 Miler
NYRR Jingle Bell Run 2010 36:34
Cow Harbor 2008
Cow Harbor 2009
Cow Harbor 2011
Half Marathon
Entemann's Great South Bay Run 2008
Greta's Great Gallop 2009
NYRR Bronx Half 2010
New Jersey Half Marathon 2011
ING New York City Marathon 2008
ING New York City Marathon 2009
Marine Corp Marathon 2010
Disney Marathon 2011
Vermont City Marathon 2011 05:19:00
Wineglass Marathon 2011
Steamtown Marathon 2011

Clover Run 2008
Farmingville Rocks 5K 2011
IGHL Run/Walk for Health 2010 30:49
St. John the Baptist High School Run your Tukey Off 4K 22.37
Stony Brook Turkey Trot 5K 2010 29:29
Stony Brook Turkey Trot 5K 2011
Suffolk County 5K 2008
Suffolk County 5K 2009
4 Miler
NYRR Jingle Bell Run 2010 36:34
Cow Harbor 2008
Cow Harbor 2009
Cow Harbor 2011
Half Marathon
Entemann's Great South Bay Run 2008
Greta's Great Gallop 2009
NYRR Bronx Half 2010
New Jersey Half Marathon 2011
ING New York City Marathon 2008
ING New York City Marathon 2009
Marine Corp Marathon 2010
Disney Marathon 2011
Vermont City Marathon 2011 05:19:00
Wineglass Marathon 2011
Steamtown Marathon 2011

Is your Health Drink, Shake or Smoothie Really Healthy?
In today’s society there are many pressures that keep us from taking the time to eat a proper meal, especially with a family that is getting ready for school and both parents preparing for work. Most of the time, the parents sacrifice themselves to make sure that the kids have a nutritious meal, yet rush out the door for work as soon as the bus arrives, and grab a nutrient starved fast food meal. Also, is your child’s lunch meal any good also?
In addition, the nutritional value of our foods has declined, as farmers are creating quantity over quality, and we are slowly becoming starved nutritionally. As a result, obesity is on the rise, and our bodies ability to fight diseases and ailments have become slowed and impaired. Have you noticed more and more people are turning to organic produce and products. An organic tomato tastes so much better than a conventional one, and could it be that the chemicals that protect a conventional tomato has altered the taste.
With a busy lifestyle in a go-go-go world, is it possible to blend all of the good foods and make a drink, shake or smoothie? That process is tough and finding the right combination of ingredients is probably near impossible.
What else can we do?
I know many people who use Ensure, Boost, Carnation Instant Breakfast, Resource, Slimfast, Muscle Milk or Myoplex. Note that Ensure, Boost, Carnation Instant Breakfast, and Resource originated from hospitals and nursing homes where the elderly have a difficult eating real food, so they turned to formulas. However, the top ingredients include water, corn syrup and sugar. All of which a healthy adult can do without, but someone sick who needs quick energy may need it to thrive, and they have their place in the healthcare arena.
SlimFast has been marketed as a way to lose weight; basically, by substituting meals with SlimFast you would cut down your calories dramatically if you follow the program. However the top ingredients in Slimfast include skim milk, sugar, fructose, and cocoa.
Muscle Milk and Myoplex are used by body builders and athletes, which contain larger amounts of protein to aid in muscle growth and recover after a workout. They are made from water, and a milk protein such as Caseinate and Whey.
If you carefully review the ingredients list of these products, you will notice, that they really do not include any real ingredients.
Now Jamba Juice and Planet Smoothie create tasty concoctions with real fruit. Their drinks are loaded with sugars (40-90 grams of sugar). And you need to ask where are they getting the fruit from? If it is not listed organic, it’s probably conventional. These treats are great in moderation.
Now that I’ve been diligently turning the packages over to read the ingredients and nutritional facts, I was very happy to read Shakeology. When you look at Shakeology’s ingredient list, it includes a blend of 70 plus high quality ingredients from around the world. What the makers of Beachbody Nutrition have done was to research many natives living in their indigenous environments away from all the toxins and nutritionally poor foods.
They combined the best of these ingredients and created Shakeology. With this combination and variety of ingredients, and since variety is the spice of life, Shakeology is like no other shake in the world. For example, açai and goji berries, camu-camu, quinoa, wheat grass, flax, maca root, yacon, and sacha inchi are all included in Shakeology.
Shakeology’s ingredients include key nutrient groups which are;
· Protein & essential amino acids to help build long, lean muscles and reduce food cravings,
· Prebiotics & digestive enzymes to improve digestion, regularity, and nutrient absorption
· Antioxidants & phytonutrients to aid counteract free radical damage that can lead to degenerative diseases
· Vitamins & minerals your body needs to function for optimal health
Since Shakeology is made from real ingredients, it has been used as a meal replacement or healthy snack.
Please consult your healthcare practitioner and team to review your diet plans, and always be informed by reading the nutritional facts and ingredients on the labels.
Click here for more information and reviews regarding Shakeology. Here you can review what other people are saying, include doctors.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
From the Marine Corp Marathon to the New York City Marathon Week
Just after finishing the 2009 40th Running of the NYC Marathon, she swore that this race would be her last one...
Fast-forward to February of this year, running another full marathon was far from my mind. My mind was set on doing a Triathlon and the only issue that stood in my way was the darn swimming. Even though it was getting easy each time, it was still a struggle. It was probably the monotony of swimming the same 40 yards back and forth for a half and hour to an hour and losing track of the number of laps that I hated the most. I guess it’s like running on a dreadmill, I find it so boring, that I don’t even do it anymore.
Anyway back to February 2010…While I was walking out of the kitchen, Irene puts her arms around me, kisses me and announces, “I just signed up for the Marathon again!” I was so surprised, because of what she said just as we crossed the finish line. It seemed whatever she was reading got her excited to click on the website, and click confirm after entering all of her credit card info.
This was going to be an exciting adventure using the Subway system with the kids to cheer Irene on, as well as the 45,000 other runners. I never witnessed the race from the sidewalks of the 5 boroughs.
She asked me if I would train with her, and I was happy to run with her on her long runs. Then I thought about, if I was going to do all this running myself, I might as well as sign up for another marathon also. And as it turns out, the Marine Corp Marathon was the week before NYC. Little did I know that the race sold out a couple of days later, what great timing that Irene has. If she did not decide to sign up that day, I would have missed the MCM.
I am so proud of her, especially taking her long runs alone after a persistent pain in my left foot would not go away. It stopped me from running for about 2 weeks. Up until then, Irene relied on me to tell her when to take a turn, take a water break, take a GU and carry the cell phone. From the beginning, I would mention that she’s going to eventually have to do all this prep work by herself, because I am not running the marathon with her. It took an injury for her to realize that she could do it, and she’s going to have to do it without me.
She eventually found her favorite routes, and she would tell me how great it was to run to the Old Field Lighthouse, or that she towards West Meadow Beach. She loves the scenery that our village brings. On the other hand, I enjoy running around the University. I think mostly the roads are well maintained, and I find that appealing ever since spraining my ankle just prior to the 2008 NYC Marathon. I am still feeling the effects of that fall.
All through out our training for this year’s marathons, we’ve been trading our aches and pains, similar to when Irene was pregnant, I was gaining weight also! But we got through it and had a great time doing our races!
It was so exciting to be part of the crowd, cheering everyone’s names and charities. At the first stop 59th Street and 4th Avenue, and I met up with Raymond and Frances. Both Raymond and I screamed out for Team for Kids members. All of the sudden, after looking at the kids, Irene hustles by, and I missed an opportunity to take a picture.
It was my fault that I missed Irene at the 2nd stop of 4th Avenue and Prince Street stop. The kids wanted Starbucks, so Elijah got his Double Chocolate Chip and Zachary got his green concoction of Green Tea Soy Frappachinos. I think by the time we picked up our Frosty beverages, Irene blew right passed us, I looked at my watch and said, I think she’s running at a good pace, on to the next stop! Next time,
We headed over to the 59th Street Bridge on the Manhattan side. I stood 4 people back, on my tippy toes. Emily had a great idea of moving ahead to give an early warning for me to get ready. I saw Jared run pass. He looked strong. Then all of the sudden, Emily shouts, “Mom is coming.” I get the camera ready only to take a lame shot of her backside. I screamed as loud as I could, to get her attention. She quickly glanced, smiled and waved. Off she went up 1st Avenue to meet up with Raymond, who was going to run with her for the last 8-10 miles.
He headed over to Central Park, and waited a little bit. Emily positioned herself ahead. This time I change to camcorder mode to make sure we get some decent memory on the camera. The boys bored from waiting started teasing each other like brothers do. Irene was still running! As she passed, Zachary started to follow her with his Nintendo DS to get some pictures. I believe Zachary will be a great doing a marathon soon!
Thanks to Frances, I probably would have missed Irene at both the 59th Street Bridge and at Central Park. She kept an eye out for the kids and looked out for Irene! It’s harder than I thought it would be. So many people on the side of the street and well as the volume of runners, you really need to concentrate.
Here is a link to witness Irene’s emotional crossing of the finish line at
I asked her why she was looking down, just after the finish line. She said. “It’s very emotional.” Team for Kids Coach Gail, suggested that the last 6 miles, you dedicate each mile for someone you love, and Irene did. So as she finished, she started to tear up.
Again, thank you for all the donations that were sent to Team for Kids. We raised close to $4,000 this year and a total of over $4,000,000 with all the runners. It’s amazing how a running program can help kids grow up to be more awesome than they already are, and they are really grateful for your donations. Let’s keep the tradition going every year!
By the way, I was really disappointed with my performance in the MCM, and now I am more motivated push myself harder and qualify for the legendary Boston Marathon, basically at a pace closer to my sprint pace. Right now I am comfortable just under 10 minutes per mile. For Boston, I need to do close to 7:30 pace to even get in. So in January, I will be doing Disney to see if I can break 4 hours with my brother in law, Raymond. At the end of May, I take on Vermont City, and then in November, I am deciding to do NYC again or Philadelphia, or both. All of those races are Boston Marathon Qualifiers. I am looking forward to pushing myself and lose another 20-25 lbs.
Irene plans on doing the NYC Marathon in 2012, but I see her eyeing some marathons next year. She wants to have a good rest, take some shorter races, and heal from all the injuries has have occurred this year. Unlike me, I just want to run, and actually I must be running better because any pains have subsided.
I look forward to hearing everyone’s running stories in 2011! And remember why you started to run. For me, being around for Irene and the Kids was enough for me to lace up my running shoes, my waistline is slimmer, my blood pressure is down, and cholesterol level have dropped tremendously.
Enjoy the run!
Fast-forward to February of this year, running another full marathon was far from my mind. My mind was set on doing a Triathlon and the only issue that stood in my way was the darn swimming. Even though it was getting easy each time, it was still a struggle. It was probably the monotony of swimming the same 40 yards back and forth for a half and hour to an hour and losing track of the number of laps that I hated the most. I guess it’s like running on a dreadmill, I find it so boring, that I don’t even do it anymore.
Anyway back to February 2010…While I was walking out of the kitchen, Irene puts her arms around me, kisses me and announces, “I just signed up for the Marathon again!” I was so surprised, because of what she said just as we crossed the finish line. It seemed whatever she was reading got her excited to click on the website, and click confirm after entering all of her credit card info.
This was going to be an exciting adventure using the Subway system with the kids to cheer Irene on, as well as the 45,000 other runners. I never witnessed the race from the sidewalks of the 5 boroughs.
She asked me if I would train with her, and I was happy to run with her on her long runs. Then I thought about, if I was going to do all this running myself, I might as well as sign up for another marathon also. And as it turns out, the Marine Corp Marathon was the week before NYC. Little did I know that the race sold out a couple of days later, what great timing that Irene has. If she did not decide to sign up that day, I would have missed the MCM.
I am so proud of her, especially taking her long runs alone after a persistent pain in my left foot would not go away. It stopped me from running for about 2 weeks. Up until then, Irene relied on me to tell her when to take a turn, take a water break, take a GU and carry the cell phone. From the beginning, I would mention that she’s going to eventually have to do all this prep work by herself, because I am not running the marathon with her. It took an injury for her to realize that she could do it, and she’s going to have to do it without me.
She eventually found her favorite routes, and she would tell me how great it was to run to the Old Field Lighthouse, or that she towards West Meadow Beach. She loves the scenery that our village brings. On the other hand, I enjoy running around the University. I think mostly the roads are well maintained, and I find that appealing ever since spraining my ankle just prior to the 2008 NYC Marathon. I am still feeling the effects of that fall.
All through out our training for this year’s marathons, we’ve been trading our aches and pains, similar to when Irene was pregnant, I was gaining weight also! But we got through it and had a great time doing our races!
It was so exciting to be part of the crowd, cheering everyone’s names and charities. At the first stop 59th Street and 4th Avenue, and I met up with Raymond and Frances. Both Raymond and I screamed out for Team for Kids members. All of the sudden, after looking at the kids, Irene hustles by, and I missed an opportunity to take a picture.
It was my fault that I missed Irene at the 2nd stop of 4th Avenue and Prince Street stop. The kids wanted Starbucks, so Elijah got his Double Chocolate Chip and Zachary got his green concoction of Green Tea Soy Frappachinos. I think by the time we picked up our Frosty beverages, Irene blew right passed us, I looked at my watch and said, I think she’s running at a good pace, on to the next stop! Next time,
We headed over to the 59th Street Bridge on the Manhattan side. I stood 4 people back, on my tippy toes. Emily had a great idea of moving ahead to give an early warning for me to get ready. I saw Jared run pass. He looked strong. Then all of the sudden, Emily shouts, “Mom is coming.” I get the camera ready only to take a lame shot of her backside. I screamed as loud as I could, to get her attention. She quickly glanced, smiled and waved. Off she went up 1st Avenue to meet up with Raymond, who was going to run with her for the last 8-10 miles.
He headed over to Central Park, and waited a little bit. Emily positioned herself ahead. This time I change to camcorder mode to make sure we get some decent memory on the camera. The boys bored from waiting started teasing each other like brothers do. Irene was still running! As she passed, Zachary started to follow her with his Nintendo DS to get some pictures. I believe Zachary will be a great doing a marathon soon!
Thanks to Frances, I probably would have missed Irene at both the 59th Street Bridge and at Central Park. She kept an eye out for the kids and looked out for Irene! It’s harder than I thought it would be. So many people on the side of the street and well as the volume of runners, you really need to concentrate.
Here is a link to witness Irene’s emotional crossing of the finish line at
I asked her why she was looking down, just after the finish line. She said. “It’s very emotional.” Team for Kids Coach Gail, suggested that the last 6 miles, you dedicate each mile for someone you love, and Irene did. So as she finished, she started to tear up.
Again, thank you for all the donations that were sent to Team for Kids. We raised close to $4,000 this year and a total of over $4,000,000 with all the runners. It’s amazing how a running program can help kids grow up to be more awesome than they already are, and they are really grateful for your donations. Let’s keep the tradition going every year!
By the way, I was really disappointed with my performance in the MCM, and now I am more motivated push myself harder and qualify for the legendary Boston Marathon, basically at a pace closer to my sprint pace. Right now I am comfortable just under 10 minutes per mile. For Boston, I need to do close to 7:30 pace to even get in. So in January, I will be doing Disney to see if I can break 4 hours with my brother in law, Raymond. At the end of May, I take on Vermont City, and then in November, I am deciding to do NYC again or Philadelphia, or both. All of those races are Boston Marathon Qualifiers. I am looking forward to pushing myself and lose another 20-25 lbs.
Irene plans on doing the NYC Marathon in 2012, but I see her eyeing some marathons next year. She wants to have a good rest, take some shorter races, and heal from all the injuries has have occurred this year. Unlike me, I just want to run, and actually I must be running better because any pains have subsided.
I look forward to hearing everyone’s running stories in 2011! And remember why you started to run. For me, being around for Irene and the Kids was enough for me to lace up my running shoes, my waistline is slimmer, my blood pressure is down, and cholesterol level have dropped tremendously.
Enjoy the run!
Monday, November 1, 2010
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Watch what these doctors have to say about Shakeology
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Sunday, October 31, 2010
Trying to Beat Oprah at the 2010 Marine Corp Marathon
For the past year, a buzzer and the numbers 5:00 would try to wake me and each time I would slapped the box on my nightstand for another 10 minutes of sleep. So, Thank God that the start of the Marine Corp Marathon was just a stones throw away from the Virginian Suites. I was so happy to request a 7:00am wake up call!
As I prepared my running gear, laced my shoes, and yelled at the kids to get ready, I reviewed what I would do each mile, do I take water, PowerAde and/or GU. Then my thoughts turned to my kids who were still asleep. Emily and Zachary both received a medal for completing a Fun Run the day before. Regardless of the rubber vinyl material that the medal was made of, they were very happy to have it draped over their necks. As usually, I wonder if they would have ever done any kind of running if I didn’t start running myself. Anyway I had so much fun trying to chase them down with my camera, only to catch an image a foot, the pavement or a snapshot of someone else’s child, filled my new digital camera
The MCM Starting Area was unlike the NYC Marathon Starting Area. The runner’s village is locked up on an Island in a Fort. While, the MCM starting area was very open to the spectators. In fact the only thing separating the runners and the supporters was a cement highway barrier. Spectators lined both sides of the highway making the race more intimate.
At 8:00am, Mrs. Biden pulled the trigger to the cannon and with a big boom, off we went, and I slapped chrono to start as I passed through the starting gate! And about 300 yards after the start, dozens of guys ran off to the side of the road to relieve any pee held over from the short wait, including myself. Later on, Emily commented about all the guy’s taking a leak.
We ran through Rosslyn, a small downtown city in Arlington and headed up the first big hill, and it was steeper that I saw from the map. I still did it without stopping!
I finally made it over Key Bridge and made a left towards the 2nd hill of about 125 feet and spanning about ¾ of a mile. I was pretty happy that I charged up both hills running and not walk them. As I booked down the 2nd hill, I saw the “sweep bus” for anyone who could not maintain a 14-minute mile pace. I was very surprised to see many runners/walkers who were being tailed by the bus. I cheered on a lone runner who allowed the bus to pass and was determined to continue! The race officials want to make sure that the gridlock doesn’t continue more that it already has.
The course brought us through Georgetown, and the crowd temporarily grew larger, then dissipated. Now to the Lincoln Memorial, where more people cheered, then disappeared, and I must have missed the Family somewhere. Off to Potomac Park, and the only spectators were some golfers that yelled Fore!
At the halfway point, I yelled out, Looks like I’m still can to beat Oprah’s Time. She finished the MCM in 04:29:15 in 1994. My current time was 02:19:00, just need to step it up!
At mile 16, I kept my eyes peeled to the wife and kids, since I missed them at mile 10. Finally some familiar smiles waved and shot pictures as I trudged along. Little did I know just after that, my left foot really started to bother me and my left knee started to seize up. I still can bet Oprah, but it’s going to be close.
With the Washington Monument on my right, I set my sights on the Capital straight ahead, only to find that my left leg did not want to go any faster. As I approached the big Domed building, I said to myself, “Okay, today will not be the day for a Sub 04:30:00 time, let’s see if we can do it under 05:00:00. At least I know the Sweep Bus would not pick me up at this point!
At the Crystal City turn around, I know I will have a new Personal Record at least. So I made every effort to run to the next light post or over pass or person, and walked for short 30 seconds. I finally made it to the final mile, and I saw Irene and Emily cheering and sitting Zachary cradling a sleeping Elijah on the side of the road as I made my last assent to the Iwo Jima War Memorial. It really is awe inspiring to receive your medal in front of those solders.
Here is the video of me crossing the finish line around 05:26:01
My official time was 05:22:52, a new PR, however an hour tooooo long.
And here are all my stats
Of the 30,000 starters only 22,000 finished the race.
While it was Halloween, only a hand full of runners wore costumes. I did see some Bumble Bees, Superman’s, Batman’s, and Waldo’s. No Borat’s in a one-piece bikini! What I found inspiring were all the Marines cheering us on, the father pushing his son in stroller all 26.2 miles, the retired Marines who carried the American Flag on the course, and the one armed Marine pedaling his hand cycle. Who are we to complain about anything when we have soldiers overseas fighting for us everyday?
I think each race that I do will be so different and I will continue to find inspiration at each race I do. I find that previous sentence funny because it implies more races to come! Now, after doing 3 marathons and then a 4th in about 2 months, who would have thought I’d be doing this? Disney will be the one with a Sub 4 hour performance! Besides, I always feel happy to see Mickey!
Here is a link for some picture of me around the course.
Now it’s off to cheer on Irene in the NYC Marathon this Sunday. Her Bib Number is 63155! So keep an eye out for her.
Lean with your Heart,
As I prepared my running gear, laced my shoes, and yelled at the kids to get ready, I reviewed what I would do each mile, do I take water, PowerAde and/or GU. Then my thoughts turned to my kids who were still asleep. Emily and Zachary both received a medal for completing a Fun Run the day before. Regardless of the rubber vinyl material that the medal was made of, they were very happy to have it draped over their necks. As usually, I wonder if they would have ever done any kind of running if I didn’t start running myself. Anyway I had so much fun trying to chase them down with my camera, only to catch an image a foot, the pavement or a snapshot of someone else’s child, filled my new digital camera
The MCM Starting Area was unlike the NYC Marathon Starting Area. The runner’s village is locked up on an Island in a Fort. While, the MCM starting area was very open to the spectators. In fact the only thing separating the runners and the supporters was a cement highway barrier. Spectators lined both sides of the highway making the race more intimate.
At 8:00am, Mrs. Biden pulled the trigger to the cannon and with a big boom, off we went, and I slapped chrono to start as I passed through the starting gate! And about 300 yards after the start, dozens of guys ran off to the side of the road to relieve any pee held over from the short wait, including myself. Later on, Emily commented about all the guy’s taking a leak.
We ran through Rosslyn, a small downtown city in Arlington and headed up the first big hill, and it was steeper that I saw from the map. I still did it without stopping!
I finally made it over Key Bridge and made a left towards the 2nd hill of about 125 feet and spanning about ¾ of a mile. I was pretty happy that I charged up both hills running and not walk them. As I booked down the 2nd hill, I saw the “sweep bus” for anyone who could not maintain a 14-minute mile pace. I was very surprised to see many runners/walkers who were being tailed by the bus. I cheered on a lone runner who allowed the bus to pass and was determined to continue! The race officials want to make sure that the gridlock doesn’t continue more that it already has.
The course brought us through Georgetown, and the crowd temporarily grew larger, then dissipated. Now to the Lincoln Memorial, where more people cheered, then disappeared, and I must have missed the Family somewhere. Off to Potomac Park, and the only spectators were some golfers that yelled Fore!
At the halfway point, I yelled out, Looks like I’m still can to beat Oprah’s Time. She finished the MCM in 04:29:15 in 1994. My current time was 02:19:00, just need to step it up!
At mile 16, I kept my eyes peeled to the wife and kids, since I missed them at mile 10. Finally some familiar smiles waved and shot pictures as I trudged along. Little did I know just after that, my left foot really started to bother me and my left knee started to seize up. I still can bet Oprah, but it’s going to be close.
With the Washington Monument on my right, I set my sights on the Capital straight ahead, only to find that my left leg did not want to go any faster. As I approached the big Domed building, I said to myself, “Okay, today will not be the day for a Sub 04:30:00 time, let’s see if we can do it under 05:00:00. At least I know the Sweep Bus would not pick me up at this point!
At the Crystal City turn around, I know I will have a new Personal Record at least. So I made every effort to run to the next light post or over pass or person, and walked for short 30 seconds. I finally made it to the final mile, and I saw Irene and Emily cheering and sitting Zachary cradling a sleeping Elijah on the side of the road as I made my last assent to the Iwo Jima War Memorial. It really is awe inspiring to receive your medal in front of those solders.
Here is the video of me crossing the finish line around 05:26:01
My official time was 05:22:52, a new PR, however an hour tooooo long.
And here are all my stats
Of the 30,000 starters only 22,000 finished the race.
While it was Halloween, only a hand full of runners wore costumes. I did see some Bumble Bees, Superman’s, Batman’s, and Waldo’s. No Borat’s in a one-piece bikini! What I found inspiring were all the Marines cheering us on, the father pushing his son in stroller all 26.2 miles, the retired Marines who carried the American Flag on the course, and the one armed Marine pedaling his hand cycle. Who are we to complain about anything when we have soldiers overseas fighting for us everyday?
I think each race that I do will be so different and I will continue to find inspiration at each race I do. I find that previous sentence funny because it implies more races to come! Now, after doing 3 marathons and then a 4th in about 2 months, who would have thought I’d be doing this? Disney will be the one with a Sub 4 hour performance! Besides, I always feel happy to see Mickey!
Here is a link for some picture of me around the course.
Now it’s off to cheer on Irene in the NYC Marathon this Sunday. Her Bib Number is 63155! So keep an eye out for her.
Lean with your Heart,
Saturday, October 30, 2010
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Studies1.2 show that with proper nutrition during the first hour following a workout you can increase your body's ability to recover by more than 100%. The key component to maximizing this "window of opportunity" is a formulation of approximately 4 parts carbohydrates to 1 part protein.
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1Phillips, sm, J.W. Hartman and SB Wilkinson. 2005. Dietary protein to support anabolism with resistance exercise in men. J. Am. Coll Nutr. 24:1345.
2Haff, GG, MJ Lehmkuhl, LB Meloy and MH Stone. 2003. Carbohydrate supplementation and resistance training. J. Strength Cond Res 17:187.
Click here for ingredients and nutrition information.
WARNING: Consult with a healthcare professional if pregnant, breast feeding, providing to a child, or if you have any other unique or special needs. Keep out of reach of children.
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Friday, October 29, 2010
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Thursday, October 28, 2010
Get Fit with a Free Team Beachbody Membership
Included with your Free Membership are
- You will have access to me, Coach Noah Lam for guidance and support
- Access to WOWY SuperGym®, where you can win cash or prizes just for logging your workouts every day
- Message boards and chatrooms to help you find new friends and workout partners, and get advice and support from the entire community
And be on your way to getting into the best shape of your life!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Get Started on your way to the Best Shape of your Life with a Free Team Beachbody Membership
Included with your Free Membership are
- You will have access to me, Coach Noah Lam for guidance and support
- Access to WOWY SuperGym®, where you can win cash or prizes just for logging your workouts every day
- Message boards and chatrooms to help you find new friends and workout partners, and get advice and support from the entire community
Click Here for your Free Membership!
And be on your way to getting into the best shape of your life!

Saturday, May 1, 2010
P90X Success Stories-Bob Michael
Bob Michael is a P90X Grad at the age of 60. He sent in this video to inspire other baby boomers.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Sample Workout from P90X's Tony Horton One on One Series
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
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Monday, March 1, 2010
TurboFire Preview
High-intensity kickboxing and interval training.
If you love Turbo Jam®, get ready to have the best spot in class with TurboFire®, Chalene’s intense new total body conditioning program. You’ll do high-energy kickboxing drills and sculpting exercises set to Chalene’s own music mixes.
TurboFire is all about the music, the energy from the class, and the High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) “fire drills”. You’ll work out at your max for up to 1-minute intervals with quick periods of rest to ignite your metabolism and burn 9x more fat than with traditional cardio. The AfterBurn effect will have you burning extra calories for up to 24 hours after your workout.
If you love Turbo Jam®, get ready to have the best spot in class with TurboFire®, Chalene’s intense new total body conditioning program. You’ll do high-energy kickboxing drills and sculpting exercises set to Chalene’s own music mixes.
TurboFire is all about the music, the energy from the class, and the High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) “fire drills”. You’ll work out at your max for up to 1-minute intervals with quick periods of rest to ignite your metabolism and burn 9x more fat than with traditional cardio. The AfterBurn effect will have you burning extra calories for up to 24 hours after your workout.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Buy Go Paleo
Forveda Go-Paleo™ is a paleo product that provides sport nutrition and weight management.
Go-Paleo™ features Proserum, a non-denatured, low heat processed whey protein concentrate. It is available in Vanilla or Chocolate flavors for shakes and smoothies. This protein powder is rich in immune enhancing compounds called immunoglobulins and lactoferrin, as well as various liver supporting nutrients. It is very high in glutathione precursors, including glutamine and cysteine, and contains a complete blend of enzymes and fiber from flaxseeds. Drink this in a favorite beverage and use as a meal replacement in a weight management program or as an adjunct to a meal in a weight gain program.
Better than ever...our great tasting, Paleolithic profile meal supplement features:
•3 grams of fiber per serving
•Improved texture and ease of mixing
•Better than ever taste
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Increased fiber and the Inulin difference
Go-Paleo™ boasts a higher fiber content, and now includes the prebiotic fiber inulin, which has a subtly sweet flavor but does not impact blood sugar levels. This soluble fiber is shown to have health-promoting advantages, from helping to protect against metabolic syndrome by controlling blood lipids and blood glucose, to supporting GI health through its ability to modulate gut microbiota.
Improved texture and ease of mixing
Because inulin is a soluble fiber, it dissolves easily in water. This makes our improved Go-Paleo™ even easier to mix and thus, helps to create an ultra-smooth texture.
Better than ever taste
There is now even more natural vanilla flavor, enhancing Go-Paleo's rich, great taste.
NatureFolate™ and increased B vitamins
We have increased the amount of the major B vitamins (B1, B2, B3 and B6) from 2.5 mg to 10 mg per serving. Another important change within the B family is our inclusion of NatureFolate™ – natural vitamin folates that are found in foods such as eggs and spinach and are immediately “active” and bioavailable to the human body.
Creatine MagnaPower® for energy reserves
In addition, the creatine included in Go-Paleo™ is from Albion’s patented Creatine MagnaPower®, a magnesium creatine chelate which provides both creatine and magnesium. This stabilized creatine increases the body’s ability to synthesize and regenerate the ATP required for supplying the energy needed for muscle effort.
Please note: We have increased the serving size from 30g to 36g in order to accommodate Go-Paleo’s new higher nutrient content and delicious new flavor profile.
Servings per container: 15
Why Choose Go-Paleo™?
Highest Quality Ingredients and Formulation
Go-Paleo™ is made with exceptional quality whey protein, which comes from herds that graze on pesticide-free, chemical-free natural grass pastures. These milking cows are never given bovine growth hormone or any other hormones (No rBST or rBGH), genetically modified organisms or injected pathogens. This whey protein is never exposed to high heat temperatures. The result is the highest quality protein supplement, rich in immunoglobulins and lactoferrin, and free of artificial flavors and sweeteners.
Better than Soy
Whey protein is nature's richest source of biologically active protein. Unlike soy protein, which is low in the amino acid methionine, whey protein contains all the amino acids the body needs in the best balance yet discovered in any food. Because whey protein is derived from milk, lactase enzyme was added to aid in the digestion of the small amount of lactose in this product. Those who are sensitive to milk products may be able to tolerate this whey protein, however, if you are allergic to milk and milk products, use Go-Paleo under the guidance of your health care practitioner.
Animal studies show that whey protein increases longevity in aging mice and enhances liver and heart glutathione concentrations. Whey protein provides a good source of the amino acids, cysteine and leucine, which support the production of detoxifying elements needed to eliminate mercury from the body. DFH chose whey protein not just because it is an outstanding source of complete protein, but also for its host of other benefits, including its immune-boosting properties.
Who could benefit from Go-Paleo™?
Go-Paleo™ is suggested in combination therapies for:
•Weight Loss
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•Yeast Overgrowth
Click here to Order Forveda Go-Paleo
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

Better than ever...our great tasting, Paleolithic profile meal supplement features:
•3 grams of fiber per serving
•Improved texture and ease of mixing
•Better than ever taste
•NatureFolate™ and an increase in B vitamins
•Creatine MagnaPower®
Increased fiber and the Inulin difference
Go-Paleo™ boasts a higher fiber content, and now includes the prebiotic fiber inulin, which has a subtly sweet flavor but does not impact blood sugar levels. This soluble fiber is shown to have health-promoting advantages, from helping to protect against metabolic syndrome by controlling blood lipids and blood glucose, to supporting GI health through its ability to modulate gut microbiota.
Improved texture and ease of mixing
Because inulin is a soluble fiber, it dissolves easily in water. This makes our improved Go-Paleo™ even easier to mix and thus, helps to create an ultra-smooth texture.
Better than ever taste
There is now even more natural vanilla flavor, enhancing Go-Paleo's rich, great taste.
NatureFolate™ and increased B vitamins
We have increased the amount of the major B vitamins (B1, B2, B3 and B6) from 2.5 mg to 10 mg per serving. Another important change within the B family is our inclusion of NatureFolate™ – natural vitamin folates that are found in foods such as eggs and spinach and are immediately “active” and bioavailable to the human body.
Creatine MagnaPower® for energy reserves
In addition, the creatine included in Go-Paleo™ is from Albion’s patented Creatine MagnaPower®, a magnesium creatine chelate which provides both creatine and magnesium. This stabilized creatine increases the body’s ability to synthesize and regenerate the ATP required for supplying the energy needed for muscle effort.
Please note: We have increased the serving size from 30g to 36g in order to accommodate Go-Paleo’s new higher nutrient content and delicious new flavor profile.
Servings per container: 15
Why Choose Go-Paleo™?
Highest Quality Ingredients and Formulation
Go-Paleo™ is made with exceptional quality whey protein, which comes from herds that graze on pesticide-free, chemical-free natural grass pastures. These milking cows are never given bovine growth hormone or any other hormones (No rBST or rBGH), genetically modified organisms or injected pathogens. This whey protein is never exposed to high heat temperatures. The result is the highest quality protein supplement, rich in immunoglobulins and lactoferrin, and free of artificial flavors and sweeteners.
Better than Soy
Whey protein is nature's richest source of biologically active protein. Unlike soy protein, which is low in the amino acid methionine, whey protein contains all the amino acids the body needs in the best balance yet discovered in any food. Because whey protein is derived from milk, lactase enzyme was added to aid in the digestion of the small amount of lactose in this product. Those who are sensitive to milk products may be able to tolerate this whey protein, however, if you are allergic to milk and milk products, use Go-Paleo under the guidance of your health care practitioner.
Animal studies show that whey protein increases longevity in aging mice and enhances liver and heart glutathione concentrations. Whey protein provides a good source of the amino acids, cysteine and leucine, which support the production of detoxifying elements needed to eliminate mercury from the body. DFH chose whey protein not just because it is an outstanding source of complete protein, but also for its host of other benefits, including its immune-boosting properties.
Who could benefit from Go-Paleo™?
Go-Paleo™ is suggested in combination therapies for:
•Weight Loss
•Lipid Management
•Type II Diabetic Control
•Blood Sugar Balance
•Mercury Toxicity
•Weight Training
•Yeast Overgrowth
Click here to Order Forveda Go-Paleo
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease
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