I woke the kids up at 6:30am so they had time to eat breakfast before we drove off to support Island Harvest in there Annual 5K. During the drive, I noticed the temperature indicating 65 degrees when we left the house, and by the time we arrived at Wantagh Park it rose to 75 degrees. I was concerned that the heat would get to me, but it was only 3.1 miles, so I just sucked it up and enjoyed the race.
The race started about 5 minutes past the offical start time of 9am inorder to give the 200+ runners this year. The course is a very flat course with parts if the race on grass, just like cross country. Soon, the race promotor announced to move to the starting gate, and we all herded to the beginning. Then the race promoteer spoke through his blowhorn and said "On you mark, Go!"
Off we went, first south., back up north, then around the park. The clock actually said 25:51 as I crossed the finish, which is a 8:19, a new PR!!!!!! Again thank you to P90X, and my RRCA Running Coach Course Teacher
Please support Island Harvest to Fight Hunger on Long Island!